Pinehurst, NC, April 2019 – Heffner Landscaping’s Account Manager of Landscaping Services and Sandhills Community College alumni Lee Bunch was recently chosen to sit on the college’s landscaping advisory board. “I look forward to helping my alma mater,” said Bunch.

Hilarie Blevins, Coordinator & Instructor of Landscape Gardening at Sandhills and fellow class of ’98 alum reached out to Bunch about being a part of the board. Bunch elaborated on why Blevins asked him to sit on the board saying, “I graduated from this course and have stayed in the field. I would be one of the people hiring graduates.”

The primary responsibility of the landscaping advisory board is to review Landscaping Gardening course schedules and curriculum to ensure it’s on the right track. “Landscaping Gardening at Sandhills was once one of the top programs on the east coast,” Bunch said. “Over the past several years, bigger schools like NC State have moved ahead in the ranking. One of the board’s goals is to build the course at Sandhills back up.”

“It’s really quite an honor just to be considered for this position. The program is highly respected and is uniformly accepted as the authority on landscape education in the region,” said Forth Heffner, Managing Partner at Heffner Landscaping. However, as high of an honor it is for Lee, the board will benefit most by his presence. I’m proud to have Lee as one of the top leaders of our organization.”

Heffner Landscaping is a full-service, family-owned landscaping company serving Moore County. For more than 30 years, Heffner has been providing irrigation, landscaping design and maintenance services to homeowners and commercial businesses. Learn more at

Heffner Landscaping Account Manager Chosen for Local Landscaping Advisory Board

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